Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived
Sidney Sheldon


Berg LipidTech’s production of high-quality marine oils depend on a healthy environment to source our raw materials. This makes us responsible for keeping an environmental focus on every level of our production and in our way of conducting business. We hold ourselves and our suppliers to the same high standard of environmental friendliness.


BLT is committed to source fish oils from areas where the fish stocks are monitored and assessed by the authorities. We are committed to sustainable fisheries, always following policies which minimize the impact on the environment.

Powered by nature

We are powered by nature, running our factory on by-product from our marine oil refining, and hydroelectric energy from Norwegian waterfalls. Doing our part to keep our country and nature a beautiful spot in the world, today and for the future. This is also being a part of reducing the carbon emission in the world, supporting our eco system to continue giving us high quality raw materials.

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